
Why Do Hackers Target Runescape Accounts?

Now that we understand more about the popularity of Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games, and especially the popularity of runescape, it is obvious why so many people are interested in hacking runescape accounts. However, what is the final intention of creating hacking programs for Runescape?Hackers are strange persons. Their motives can be varied, depending on their alignment. There are white hackers (people who hack computers for ethical reasons, e.g. help corporations with their security systems), black hackers (individuals who hack computers in order to obtain a benefit for themselves), and grey hackers (persons who walk a mid-line between white and black hackers, depending on their mood, or their need for money).So, they can do it for obtaining a personal benefit. For example, they may detect a Runescape character that has a high level and a lot of valuable items. They may hack it in order to steal them their belongings and use them for their own character. Of course, there is no court to appeal to. There isn’t a legal frame that protects people from these kinds of acts. Yet.How Are runescape Accounts Hacked?Hacking on Runescape can come from different sources. One of them is by the use of determined programs, for example, a Runescape file that has been tampered and hanged up in a download site. All the victims who download it can be the subjects of intrusion by a hacker.Spyware is another mean to hack your Runescape account. A specially designed program could be installed, without your knowledge, in your computer. This program will store in a file all the keys that you digit while using your PC. After determined amount of data has been collected, the program will send the info back to its creator. Simple but devious.How Can I Prevent Runescape Hacking?Runescape hacking programs and Runescape hacking tools are easy to access. The question is how can you protect yourself? The first measure is to have your web browser, and your computer software, up to date. Security weaknesses can be exploited from almost any piece of software loaded by your computer.Another step that you need to take is to assure yourself that you have installed a firewall, an anti-spyware program and an antivirus, running in real time. The lack of any of these three can be an open invitation for any hacker who wants to steal your character’s equipment and treasure.Another important measure is to be careful from where do you download the game. Use only official sites. Avoid strange mirror sites or downloads from peer-to-peer file sharing programs like Kazaa, EMule or even BitTorrent. You may not know if the program was tampered or not.Unfortunately, hacking Runescape accounts isn’t very difficult. All you need is some computer skills and a web browser in order to find the instructions for doing so. Or you can use one of the many hacking programs for runescape that are available for free. So, be alert and beware of the numerous hackers that are lurking the web.


Night on EyeBald Mountain (Rosal)

Nights of fright, sight beyond sight, creatures of darkness, brought to life!dofus
The attack on the castle was swift and brutal. Vampires and ghosts dug their way up from the earth; chafers and skulls were chewing on the toes of the citizens. The cry for help went out across the world! Those from both sides of the great war appeared, hoping to count coup on their enemies while they were distracted.dofus
The great magician Kanabo had created these monsters to serve him as he stormed the castle of Amakna. His plan was to overthrow the king and allow the demons of the night to take over the whole kingdom! Unfortunately, a dreadful apathy had seized some of the locals, and it seemed like they were practically gleeful at the idea of King Allister's early retirement. dofusElite-Beast and his wife Tikibear, along with several of their friends, tried to cut down the coup d'état before it went too far! Seiua and Kagura-Chan gave aid, Ratash was brutally evicerated (twice!), but it seemed like jaded-frost just wanted a handout from the new regime.
Much to her disappointment, the forces of evil do not give out cookies.dofus
It wasn't until morte-certa brought back Celeron, blackandwhite-knight, -Alundra-do-Brasil, and Bruce-LeeRoy that the ghoulish uprising was finally quashed. Kanabo was sent packing, but not before he attached some clattering spies to the resistance. Not even the curse of the Beast was enough power to help him this time. Has he given up for good?
huge thanks to (GM)Shashel for the event! dofus

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Halloween II: The curse of the Gobbals

"The ceremony of innocence is drowned;The best lack all conviction,

while the worst are full of passionate intensity." -W.B. Yeats dofusThe fateful day is drawing

near... Welcome fear once more as a precious orphan child…

Halloween is slouching closer to Amakna with every fleeting moment!

One year past, the Beast’s curse sowed terror and desolation

throughout Amakna... Never was Gobbal slaughter so dangerous as it

was then... The slightest contact with an accursed animal turned

some of the greatest warrior troupes Ankama had ever seen into

swaying mobs of wide-eyed demons! Happy was the day that a group of

great minds and hearts engineered salvation from this hellish

pandemic. King Allister decreed that man, woman and child alike

would receive the curative Pumpkwin headgear. Clothed in these

hoods, adventurers no longer feared the spells cast by the Beast...

this Halloween. Once more, at last, the people and their Gobballs

were free to mingle without fear, without malediction! dofusBut today, like a whispered

litany of evil, history repeats itself before our eyes. Halloween

slouches forth once more, his curse in his wake like a shepherd’s

trusted flock. The balance of time is not with us! Pumpkwins are

already to be seen in the winding streets of Amakna... find yours

now before you find yourself choking on the belly-acid of an

accursed Gobbal...
from:www.dofus.us dofus


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Guide to Not Getting Pooned in the Wildy, part one

There are a lot of things I've learned about how to survive in runescape's wilderness and on the runescape Castle War minigam as well, and I thought I'd write an entry about it here.First, I'll start with something that assumes you're a BRAND new Wilderness wanderer - the Wilderness level marker pointed out in this image to the right. A quick explanation of that marker is that it tells you what level range can currently attack you - if the marker shows lvl 1 as it does in this picture, that means people have to be within one level of your combat level in order to engage in battle (and vice versa). If the marker shows lvl 20, that'll mean people up to 20 lvls above and down to 20 lvls below you are attackable.Once you understand who can attack you, to protect yourself from being Owned, Pooned, Flattened, or whatever terminology you choose to use, first and foremost, pay attention to whether you're in a multi-combat area or not. This image here shows a character fighting with two monsters at once, and points out the symbol that lets you know you're in an area where more than one monster (or person) can attack you.Obviously, it's best to be in a one-on-one PK fight if you're all alone yourself. Of course, if you've got a team of friends coming out with you, it's those multi-combat areas that you WANT to find, in order to gang up on some other poor sod!I've run out of time, I'll write a part two later on. Tips and tricks welcome. runescape

Catching up on 1000+ blog comments

Some are great! I've approved a great number of comments today and they now appear in the comments section of the various posts they were posted to. I especially like the friendly comments from other blog owners - when I update this site, I'll be setting up cross-linkings with some of the ones with quality content.Some are spam - runescape gold, runescape scams disguised as helpful sites, etc. I'm sure the spammers don't really care that they get comments rejected on some sites, as their modus operandi is "spam lots, all over the place" and even a %.01 return rate on their spamming is enough of a reward for them.Some comments, however, are well-meaning people who are probably a little frustrated, and their frustration is coming across in their attempted communications with me.Like the guy who hadn't looked at the most recent postings on the blog to realize it hadn't been updated in over 8 months when he said, exasperated:dude wtf top blocking all my comments and stop trying to make people thing thoughs are yur runescape statsAll ridiculousness and jest aside, I'd like to let and commenters know that I don't ignore them, exactly - but I've left this blog unattended for a while and have a lot of work to do to clear out the backlog of comments. So, if I haven't answered your question, it is likely that I haven't gotten to it in the comments yet.And of course, because of all the spammers that abound, all of the comments in this blog need to be approved by me before they show up on the site. If the world were full of people who don't try to clog the system up for the rest of us, I wouldn't have to do this.But it has to be said - why do my character stats threaten you so? Certainly there are many players much higher level in everything than me now? And what "accomplishment" exactly is it for me to have wasted so much time to level all those silly


Halloween Festival Approaches!

Prepare yourself for a fun, frolicsome guild wars Halloween! Starting on Friday of this week, Kamadan and Lion's Arch will begin displaying their seasonal decorations and the all-new Halloween Brawl will open. You will spot a new NPC or two, and you'll note an eerie shift in some of the usual townsfolk, as well. Then on Wednesday, October 31st, both towns will host several visits from everyone's favorite monarch: Mad King Thorn! See the festival page for more information. It's going to be a boo-tiful event!from:www.guild-wars-money.com


How To Get Free Runescape Gold

It’s very interesting in how to get free Runescape moneywhile you may get them in some another way. Things go like this:
You may get Runescape money from other players while they have high level character. If you have a low character and others may do you a favor to send you few M, but usually will not so much .Someone may offer you a little kind of gears and items as well.
You may purchase a mount of gold while the website has so much to provide you, meanwhile, you may get extra via discount when you purchased. There are so many websites sold Runescape money now, some of them may give a discount now or later. If you make a right choice on right time, the gold you will get more then ever you thought, and you may say that extra is for free. It has a good instance if you purchase on(http://www.runescapecoin.com), they provide you low price with different options while you tend to purchase, and the extra discount may charming you in those overflow.
In addition, you may get freeRunescape goldvia some unfair way which is bad behavior in the game. The way to get gold extra in wrong way will some others slap on you, so we suggest you had better gain more gold in you yourself hard work or purchase on such website like who may provide you gold in cheap price. RS will bring you happy when is comes to the game’s meaning. Enjoyed this post? Recommend it to Others