
Guide to Not Getting Pooned in the Wildy, part one

There are a lot of things I've learned about how to survive in runescape's wilderness and on the runescape Castle War minigam as well, and I thought I'd write an entry about it here.First, I'll start with something that assumes you're a BRAND new Wilderness wanderer - the Wilderness level marker pointed out in this image to the right. A quick explanation of that marker is that it tells you what level range can currently attack you - if the marker shows lvl 1 as it does in this picture, that means people have to be within one level of your combat level in order to engage in battle (and vice versa). If the marker shows lvl 20, that'll mean people up to 20 lvls above and down to 20 lvls below you are attackable.Once you understand who can attack you, to protect yourself from being Owned, Pooned, Flattened, or whatever terminology you choose to use, first and foremost, pay attention to whether you're in a multi-combat area or not. This image here shows a character fighting with two monsters at once, and points out the symbol that lets you know you're in an area where more than one monster (or person) can attack you.Obviously, it's best to be in a one-on-one PK fight if you're all alone yourself. Of course, if you've got a team of friends coming out with you, it's those multi-combat areas that you WANT to find, in order to gang up on some other poor sod!I've run out of time, I'll write a part two later on. Tips and tricks welcome. runescape
